Acupuncture is an integral part of Chinese medicine and is a powerful and natural form of health care - used in treatment for numerous conditions as well as in preventive health.
Acupuncture takes a holistic approach to understand your health. Where Western medicine is most often focused on specialized and targeted treatments - trying to isolate and fix each individual part, Chinese Medicine approaches health from a holistic approach and sees the body as a whole organism where all parts of the body influence all the other parts of the body, and hence need to be treated as a whole.
One key aspect of Acupuncture is the qi (pronounced chee) which literally means air. This word can figuratively be understood by energy flow/ life force and is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts. This qi flows through your Meridian system, which are paths through which your qi flows. When you are in balance, you are healthy, and your qi flow is abundant.
But when the energy is blocked, there will be an insufficient supply of qi. This manifests in energy blockages, the inability for the body to heal itself, and become visible
through observable signs of bodily dysfunction such as diseases, illnesses, bodily pains (muscles, joints etc…) and the effect are often cumulative.
The aim of acupuncture is to help you restore this balance. But it is equally important that you change your lifestyle habits that caused the blockage and imbalance in the first place. The root causes for qi blockage can be numerous and are often interrelated. Common causes are poor diet, poor sleep, overwork, stress, environmental conditions (pollution, weather), disease history etc…
By inserting very thin and sterile needles into your acupuncture points along your body’s qi paths, they will help you clear energy blockages and restore the flow of qi so that your body can do what it does best: heal itself.
Acupuncturists also have other tools at their disposal to stimulate acupuncture points. These tools include electro-stimulation, cupping, moxibustion and massage which are part of the treatment I provide.
Note: From a Western medicine perspective, meridians are not real anatomical structures and scientists have not found evidence that supports their existence. On another hand, everything in the Universe is energy. That is, everything is energy and it vibrates at a certain frequency. The better the flow of energy, the higher the frequency.