Cupping Therapy
Cupping is one of the most ancient therapeutic practices in China and has been used to treat all sorts of pains as well as cols and coughs.
Cupping improves blood circulation into the areas where the cups are placed. The idea is that it might relieve tension in the muscles and improve the blood flow to ultimately repair the cells as well as to form new connective tissues and help generate new blood vessels in the tissue. It is also believed that cupping enables the flow of “qi” in the body.
There are several types of cupping:
Dry cupping is a suction-only method.
Wet cupping that typically involves both suction and controlled medicinal bleeding (to get toxins out from the body).
Massage cupping: Oil is applied on the surface to be treated first. Then the cups are attached to the area and moved up and down along meridian or muscle until skin color turns red or even dark.
Flash cupping:
You can read more about cupping here: